1 Timothy 1:11 speaks of “the gospel of the
glory of the blessed God…” The word “blessed” is “makarois,” and can be
translated as “happy.” Charles Spurgeon said of 1 Timothy 1:11, “A more correct
translation would be, ‘the happy God.’”
Why does it matter? Imagine you have won an all
expense paid trip to Hawaii. You will stay at the Ritz Carleton, be driven in a
limo, and eat at the finest restaurants. Now think about the grumpiest, most
negative person you know. To going on this vacation, you must travel and room
with Grumpy Pants. Do you still want to go? I don’t. I’d rather stay home. I’d
rather travel by myself to Peoria in the winter. I don't care how wonderful the beach is if the company isn't pleasent.
Now let’s apply this to God and eternity. Alcorn says, “If God isn’t happy, living with him forever
can’t appeal to us. God’s happiness has great implications for whether the
gospel will be seen as truly good news. If we offer people a choice between God
and happiness, they’ll choose happiness. But it’s a false dichotomy. Instead,
we should demonstrate that happiness can be found only in an eternally happy
God who willingly sacrificed himself to purchase our eternal happiness.”
Q – Does your view of eternity include
a happy God?