Chapter 15 - The Trinity, Eternity, and God's Happiness


Islam emphatically denies that God is a Trinity [three eternal persons, yet only one God]:

“Say not ‘Trinity’: desist: . . . For Allah is one Allah: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son.” [Quran 4:171-172]  

“They say: ‘(Allah) Most Gracious has begotten a son!’ Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous!” [Quran 19:88-93]

But theologian Michael Reeves raises this question:

“How could Allah [using the Quarn’s name] be loving in eternity? Before he created there was nothing else in existence that he could love. . . . If Allah needs his creation to be who he is in himself (“loving”), then Allah is dependent on his own creation, and one of the cardinal beliefs of Islam is that Allah is dependent on nothing. Therein lies the problem: how can a solitary God be eternally and essentially loving when love involves loving another?”

The doctrine of the trinity is not just a doctrine to memorize for a theology quiz; it assures us that our one God has forever existed in perfect, loving relationship within the members of the Trinity. The Trinity assures us that “God is love” (1 John 4:8) is true, has always been true for eternity past, and will always be true for eternity future. And because this is true we can be assured that God is happy, has always been happy, and will always be happy. We serve an eternally happy God.
